Tuesday, December 1, 2009


The Oxford American Dictionary defines Privacy as "the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people". It is this freedom of disturbance and interference that makes privacy such a wonderful appeal and sought-after treasure. But, like most treasures it is hard to find. In our modern Egyptian society, the word privacy seems to mean nothing to a great number of people.

Everyday Aunts, Uncles, distant relatives, neighbors, and sometimes just random people you have never met in your life will exercise what they see as their God-given right to find out more about you and your personal life. People you know or don't know at all, will share the most private and intimate details of their lives with you with no hesitation. They will also demand that you share and talk about private and personal information, all for the sake of chit-chat, or making conversation.

There is a thin line I believe between being friendly and sociable and just being plain nosey and annoying. That line is being crossed within every conversation in Egypt as I write this article! I can't understand why their fascination with the lives of others is as strong as it is. What benefit does it have on their lives to know that I-for the sake of example- have an appointment with my Doctor? "Are you ill?", "Was it something you ate? what did you have for lunch? where? I've heard a lot about that restaurant, where is that place?, I hope you get well".

Once they get a hint about the dilemma, everyone immediately feels that it is their duty to advise me on matters which do not concern them. I want to know why people are asking all these private questions, in order to be able to know how to deal with their questions. But, such questions leave me standing with an awkward, fake smile on my face, thinking to myself "I can't believe you just asked me that!"



    I like this article so much, because you really said what exactly happened between all people in our society.

    It seems that our society is divided into two groups, one asking and one have to answer. Actually, the second group always answering and never asking!!!

    I think, those answering people, must put a rule, which is "If someone asked you a question that penetrate you privacy, you must not be shay and refuse politely to answer. You can say, for example, it's ok, I do not want to bother you"


  2. You are absolutely right Yasmine. some questions are welcomed from closer friends but even very closer friends do not have to dig into my privacy. As our culture ,not our Islam, we used to open any subject and start to talk and talk with no stop ,even if it is something private and belong to another person. I personally, take it very hard when I faced with some questions that needs private information to be answered. I do not hesitate to say this something I keep it for myself and whatever how the friend will receive my response.

  3. In spite of the problems that everyone in this country have but all of us dont mind to share the others' problems. In fact most of those nosey people dont share in solving problems but they just want to talk. I think it is very important to try to find answers to my problems beter than loading my self by extra burdens.
    Find it very obviously when a car accident occurs, conversations between people through out a public transportation, clinic waiting rooms, and everywhere in the country.

  4. Nice idea to discuss.I think we are atalkative nation.We used to give reasons and opinions for everything although,we havenot the complete knowledge about it.

    Simple example,if you ask aperson about home address,he wont let you down &began to describe .finally, you found that you walk in the wrong way
    Really,we havenot the word(I dont know)in our dictionary of life and so, Privacy hasnot the better conditions to flourish.

  5. Unfortunately, most of the Egyptians don’t understand what privacy is. If any person asks you private question and you don’t answer, they consider you not sociable and not friendly.
    Thanks, wessam, Dr.Ali,Mr.Ihab and Ragda.

  6. Privacy is not in the egyptians dictionary we don't know this word
