By Robert Fisk, The Independent, January 6, 2009
The writer in his article is trying to express his point of view for the current Gaza assault and if the Palestinians will succeed this time to internationalize their conflict with Israelis. However Yasser Arafat begged for UN force to protect the Palestinians before and after Oslo agreement, always the Israelis refused and succeeded to disable decisions.
Mr. fisk went deeply in his article through the history of the UN in the conflict since 1940s up to 2006 when Israeli - Hizbllah war ended with the Security Council decision to send a large number of UN force to South Lebanon.
Now the question raised, is the Palestinians will succeed to have UN force in the region?
Even if the answer is yes, which UN border will the UN force use? the writer raised a very good question, is it the 1940s, the pr-1967 or the post-1967 border.
Most likely it will be between Israeli and Hamas, so Gaza will be the easy option and the Palestinians will ask for the same action on the West Bank – Israeli border.